शनिवार, 18 अप्रैल 2020

झारखंड हाईकोर्ट ने जमानत के लिए रखी शर्त-पीएम केयर्स में 35000 रुपए जमा करें और आरोग्य सेतु ऐप डाउन लोड करें

झारखंड हाईकोर्ट ने एक पूर्व सांसद और पांच अन्य को इस शर्त पर जमानत दी है कि वे पीएम केयर्स फंड में 35,000 रुपए जमा करेंगे। साथ ही पैसे जमा करने का प्रमाण भी कोर्ट में पेश करेंगे। ज‌स्टिस अनुभा रावत चौधरी ने अपने आदेश में याचिकाकर्ताओं को निर्देश दिया कि रिहा होने के तुरंत बाद वे 'आरोग्य सेतु ऐप' डाउनलोड करें और COVID 19 की रोक‌थाम के लिए केंद्र सरकार और राज्य सरकार की ओर से जारी निर्देशों का पालन करें। अतिरिक्त लोक अभियोजक राकेश कुमार सिन्हा ने बताया कि छह याचिकाकर्ताओं, भाजपा के पूर्व सांसद सोम मरांडी, विवेकानंद तिवारी, अमित अग्रवाल, हिसाबी राय, संचय बर्धन, और अनुग्रह नारायण पर 15 मार्च 2012 को पाकुड़ में 'रेल रोको' आंदोलन करने के आरोप में मुकदमा दर्ज किया गया था। रेलवे न्यायिक मजिस्ट्रेट ने याचिकाकर्ताओं को रेलवे अधिनियम की धारा 174 (ए) के तहत एक वर्ष के कारावास की सजा सुनाई थी। याचिकाकर्ताओं ने सत्र अदालत के समक्ष अपील की थी, जिसे खारिज कर दिया गया। बाद में उन्होंने सत्र न्यायालय के आदेश को रद्द करने के लिए हाईकोर्ट में आपराधिक संशोधन याचिका दायर की थी। वे पिछले फरवरी से हिरासत में थे। याचिकाकर्ताओं के वकील ने कहा कि याचिकाकर्ता, पीएम केयर्स फंड में योगदान देने समेत, कोर्ट की ओर से तय किसी भी शर्त का पालन करेंगे। कोर्ट ने आदेश में याचिकाकर्ताओं से कहा कि वे अपने आधार कार्ड की एक स्व-सत्यापित प्रति जमा करें, साथ ही अपना मोबाइल नंबर दें, जिसे वे अदालत की अनुमति के बिना नहीं बदलेंगे। हाईकोर्ट ने याचिकाकर्ताओं पर निम्‍न शर्तें लागू की हैं- (i) याचिकाकर्ता र‌िहा होने से पहले पीएम केयर्स फंड में 35,000 रुपए जमा करने का प्रमाण पेश करेंगे। (ii) याचिकाकर्ता रिहा होने के तुरंत बाद 'आरोग्य सेतु ऐप' डाउनलोड करेंगे। COVID-19 की रोकथाम के लिए जारी किए गए केंद्र सरकार व राज्य सरकार के निर्देशों का पालन करेंगे। (iii) याचिकाकर्ता अपने आधार कार्ड की स्वप्रमाणित प्रति जमा करेंगे और अपना मोबाइल नंबर भी देंगे, जिसे वे अदालत की अनुमति के बिना नहीं बदलेंगे।

Cr. Revision No. 1659 of 2018
I.A. No. 2199 of 2020
1. Som Marandi aged about 52 years S/o Late Dorga Marandi
2. Vivekanand Tiwari, aged about 48 years, S/o Late Jagdish Prasad
3. Amit Agrawal aged about 47 years, S/o Sri Shankar Prasad Agrawal
4. Hisabi Rai, aged about 42 years, S/o Late Shibu Rai
5. Sanchay Bardhan @ Sanchay Kr. Bardhan aged about 62 years, S/o
Late Shambhu Nath Bardhan
6. Anugrah Prasad Sah @ Anugrahit Pd. Sah aged about 56 years, S/o
Late Ganga Dayal Sah … … … Petitioners
The State of Jharkhand … … Opposite Party
For the Petitioners : Mr. Rajeeva Sharma, Senior Advocate
 Mrs. Rita Kumari, Advocate
For the Opposite Party : Mr. Rakesh Kumar Sinha, A.P.P.
1. Heard Mr. Rajeeva Sharma, learned senior counsel appearing
on behalf of the petitioners.
2. Heard Mr. Rakesh Kumar Sinha, learned A.P.P. appearing on
behalf of the State.
3. I.A. No. 2199 of 2020 has been filed for suspension of
sentence/for grant of bail to the petitioners during the
pendency of this case.
4. This revision has been filed for setting aside the judgment
dated 16.08.2018 passed by learned Sessions Judge, Sahibganj
in Criminal Appeal No. 40 of 2017 whereby the learned Court
dismissed the appeal confirming the judgment dated
18.08.2017 passed by Sri Anand Mani Tripathi, Railway
Judicial Magistrate, Sahibganj in Railways Act Case No. 380 of
2012, T.R. No. 15 of 2017 convicting and sentencing the
petitioners to undergo S.I. for a period of 1 year each for the
offence under Section 174 (a) Railways Act.
5. Learned counsel for the opposite party at the outset submits 
that the matter arises out of a complaint case filed by an officer
of Railways and accordingly Railway is a necessary party.
6. Upon this, learned counsel for the petitioners submits that he
may be permitted to add Eastern Railways through the
General Manager, having his office at Howrah, West Bengal as
opposite party No. 2 in this case. He also submits that there are
standing counsels in the High Court representing Railways
and serve two copies of the present petition upon the standing
counsel for railways and file a receipt of the same once lock
down under the COVID-19 pandemic is over. He also
undertakes to make necessary correction in the cause title of
the present case.
7. Learned counsel for the petitioners submits that the learned
courts below have not properly considered the case of the
petitioners under the provisions of Probation of Offenders Act
while passing the sentence. He submits that entire act of the
petitioners was peaceful and there has been no damage to any
railway property in the protest. Learned counsel also submits
that the learned court below has not taken into consideration
the provisions of Section 179(2) of the Railways Act, 1989.
Learned counsel submits that the petitioners have been
convicted only for a period of one year under Section 174(a) of
the Railways Act and they may be enlarged on bail during
pendency of the present case. He further submits that the
petitioners shall abide by any condition that may be put by this
court including any contribution in ‘Prime Minister’s Citizens
Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations (PM CARES) Fund’
created for the purposes of dealing with COVID-19 Pandemic
and accordingly the learned counsel submits that the
petitioners are ready to deposit Rs. 35,000/- each in the Prime
Minister’s Citizens Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations
(PM CARES) Fund. He submits that the petitioners may be
enlarged on personal bond considering the situation of lock 
down under COVID-19 pandemic.
8. Learned counsel for the petitioners submits that he is ready for
final hearing of this case upon resumption of regular
functioning of this court after Covid-19 pandemic.
9. Counsel appearing for the State opposes the prayer made by
learned counsel for the petitioners.
10.After hearing counsel for the parties and considering the facts
and circumstances of this case this court finds that the points
raised by the petitioners are required to be considered.
12.Lower court record has already been received.
13.The counsel for the petitioner is permitted to add Eastern
Railways through the General Manager, having his office at
Howrah, West Bengal as opposite party No. 2 in the cause title
and file receipt of service of two copies of the main petition
upon standing counsel for railways prior to the next date i.e
14.Pending hearing of this case, the sentence of the petitioners is
hereby suspended and the petitioners are directed to be
enlarged on bail in connection with Railways Act Case No. 380
of 2012., T.R. No. 15 of 2017, upon furnishing personal bond up
to the satisfaction of learned Trial Court considering the lock
down under pandemic Covid-19, on the following conditions:
(i) The petitioners shall show proof of payment of Rs.
35,000/-(Thirty Five thousand) each in the ‘Prime
Minister’s Citizens Assistance and Relief in Emergency
Situations (PM CARES) Fund’ before the learned court
below prior to their release.
(ii) The petitioners shall download the ‘Aarogya Settu App’
immediately after being released from custody and shall
abide by the directions of the Central Government as
well as State Government issued in connection with
containment of Covid-19 pandemic. 
(iii) The petitioners will submit self attested copy of their
Aadhar Card and also give their mobile number before
the learned court below which they will not change
during the pendency of this case without prior
permission of this court.
(iv) I.A. No. 2199 of 2020 is disposed of.
15. Considering the submissions made, post this case on
08.07.2020 under appropriate heading .
(Anubha Rawat Choudhary, J.)

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